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June 21st, 2023 10:00


I have replaced the hard drive on my Inspiron 620 MT, with a Seagate Hybrid 2 TB. I now need to install Dell Software and MS Operating system software. Dell first: I have a Dell CD titled “Drivers and Utilities Already Installed on this Computer.” I need to put those drivers and utilities on the new HDD. I boot up with the Dell CD. F12 Boot Options/CD/DVD Choice Action 1 Run the 32 Bit Dell Diagnostics Q Quit without any action (Return to DOS: 1: ? Q; Your CD/DVD drive during this boot cycle is f: A RAMDISK drive is available for this boot cycle as C: It contains several Hard Drive setup tools. Please use these tools only under the direction of Dell Support Staff. F:\> What now?



25.2K Posts

June 21st, 2023 10:00

Hello, we see you are looking for assistance. If you need our help, you could start a direct message with us and we will be happy to assist you.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

July 26th, 2023 22:00

That disk of drivers will be outdated. You should get the newest versions that Dell issued (though of course for a 12-year-old system those drivers will still be many years old) from Dell Support site for Inspiron 620.

For Windows, rather than install what's on that disk (I assume Windows 7) you should do the free upgrade to Windows 10. In fact, it's likely that Windows and Windows Update will automatically install many of the drivers that you need.

To use Windows 10 well, you should have 8 GB of RAM. If you have only 4 GB then it will be frustrating.  Here is RAM that Crucial guarantees as compatible with your system.

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